Why #LaborofLove?
#LaborofLove celebrates the essential work women do every single day to create the world we live in. So often unrecognized, women's labor - not just physical, but emotional, compassionate, connective - is the backbone of our world. We need women like never before, so we are on a mission to recognize women's contributions everywhere through the Supersuit.
Here's how it works:
Read the profiles of our current nominees
Select the nominee of your choice and make a pledge toward a Supersuit.
When we reach the cost of a Supersuit plus shipping ($300), the woman with the most votes gets her jumpsuit!
You then can nominate a woman of your choice to be featured on our site.
The winning #LaborofLove nominee is featured in our social media and affiliate networks.
The future is female and WUNZ is outfitting women to take the future by storm!

Why is this important?
Women are roughly 58% of the workforce in the US.. In corporate settings, white women occupy only 20% of C Suite positions, and women of color only 4%. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion efforts being adopted in more corporate environments, and it is women who lead the charge for implementing new practices. However, because these efforts are not yet part of corporate culture, they most often go unrecognized, resulting in burnout. Because women still also carry the bulk of the domestic workload, without proper support, we are at risk of losing the leaders we need the most in this critical moment of change.
Learn More
Let’s help support these women. Not just women in the corporate sphere, but ALL women working to make impact in their communities.
WUNZ’s core mission is to provide a platform to help women step into power.. The Supersuit is an emblem; a tool (a sexy, fabulous one!) to acknowledge the women in our community and communicate our support for the roles they perform. The Supersuit is the beginning - we’ll be developing many more options to accommodate sizes and tastes of women everywhere. As a business, WUNZ seeks to support women with employment opportunities and mentorship. The WUNZ platform will be a place to develop new ideas and new rituals around female leadership. A place for support, resources, networking, community development, and generational change.

How To Vote
Pledge To Vote
A Supersuit will be rewarded to the Nominee with the most votes every time the Pledge Pool reaches $300. (The cost of the Supersuit plus shipping and handling.) The remaining nominees stay in the pool as new nominees are added. Our goal is to continuing honoring and spotlighting women's work by outfitting as many women as possible.
Pledge tier starts at $5
$5-$50 -Thank you postcard with original art from artist Irena Kenny
$75 - WUNZ Journal and Pen
$100 - #LaborofLove Postcard Set
$150 – WUNZ T-shirt
$300 – Embossed Hoodie
Your Labor of Love Leader here
The Nominees
Your Labor of Love Nominee can be spotlighted here.
Use the form below!
Submit A Nominee
Is there a women in your life you would like to nominate? We would love to know!
Please fill out the form below.
Please Upload Pictures of #LaborofLove Warrior Nominee
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