Story Pillow Project
The Story Pillow Project was the first step of the Make It Work Program where we teach women to create one-of-a-kind throw pillows using recycled fabric. Our first workshop was completed September 27th and we couldn't be happier and more encouraged by the results. Through our longer Make It Work program, we aim to continue to teach skills that help build self-sufficiency while building relationships with DTLA businesses who want to partner with us in buying our products. The Conrad Hotel is the first on board. Through building bridges between businesses and marginalized communities, we reinvigorate our city by bringing it together, one pillow at a time.
Each pillow tells a piece of their personal story. Your purchase shares in their story and empowers them to transform their lives.

It was an amazing experience. We cried, we laughed, we danced. We saw things in ourselves we didn’t know were there. God works through things like this to help us release the past, the things that are holding us down. I’m challenging myself because I really want that healing. I’m very grateful for this opportunity. My pillow is a tree – a dry tree – because that’s how I used to feel, like I was dead. The tree has little flowers, who are my kids. So it says, even a dry tree can blossom again.
-Yesica Jaimes
We envision a revitalized Los Angeles where business intersects with social services and workforce development to create more balanced, circular solutions to the unhoused emergency.
The United States has been in a state of growth - industrial, electronic, digital, and now AI - for the past 250 years, and the cost of unfettered expansion is coming into rapid and catastrophic focus in both the environmental and humanitarian realms.
The focus on wealth generation over social connection has created devastating divides, eroding community connection and accountability for one another. We have to rebuild what community means through new programs that build new foundations with bridges across all sectors. In this all-hands-on-deck moment, it’s vital that new models of business and community development take us out of our silos and into real relationship with one another.
Women are at the center of this change. The missing element in the entire Industrial Age has been the balance of the Divine Feminine - equality, empathy, connection, sustainability, circularity - and our survival depends on bringing it back.